Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Little Birthday Celebration!

It is hard to have a birthday party with friends when your child is turning 2. They just don't seem to have a ton of friends, so we did the next best thing and celebrated with some of our friends and family. It was short notice so not everyone came, but we were so happy to have the few that could come celebrate with us. Thanks for coming!
Lucy's "Ladybug" cake.
I did a fancy one for Makayla when she turned one, but I didn't have the same motivation to make it again for Lucy, so we improvised! (Caleb made the ladybug)

We were lucky enough to have Caleb's sister come up to our little party. She happened to be here for a little while since they are moving. We were so happy to have her. She brought her little boy James with her. This is a picture we sent to his dad, who is doing some Army training and wasn't able to come. He wasn't happy that his son was dressed in a girl jacket with flowers on it! I just had to post this picture so we would always have this memory! Isn't he so cute!

We had a little fire out back and roasted marshmallows and starbursts.
Here is Lucy with her roasting stick! She had so much fun!
Roasting a starburst in this one.
Lucy with her ginormous cake.

Opening more presents.
She was one lucky girl!

We also took Lucy to Build-A-Bear for one of her presents. She was so excited to get her very own special stuffed animal. Makayla has a purple Hello Kitty and Lucy has been excited to get her very own stuffed toy. She chose this multicolored bear
Rubbing the heart on her nose.

Cleaning her bear

Taking her bear home

Seriously! This is how it usually is now. One is smiling and the other is pulling a funny face. Oh well they sure are cute.
Look here I got one with both of them smiling and looking!

Ready to go!
She loved going to Build-A-Bear. I think between the two girls we may be going there a lot. Caleb may not be to happy about it, he thinks we have too many stuffed animals, oh well! Hahaha!

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