Monday, October 6, 2008

School Carnival

A couple of Fridays ago we took Makalya to her first school carnival. I know she is kind of young to enjoy it, but we really went for me. I love any kind of carnival big or small. This one was put on by my mom's elementary school. Also the person who put it all together was Makayla's babysitter so we wanted to go and show our support for it. Okay, okay I really just wanted to go that is why we went. While at the carnival Makayla enjoyed her first cake walk with her dad, we forgot the camera so no pictures, and no she didn't win. We kept saying she is too cute to loose, she should just win because she is so cute! They didn't care! She also went on her first hayride. Makayla's babysitters husband was giving the rides so of course we had to go and visit him to. She seemed to enjoy it. She just sat on my lap and stared as we went around the soccer field. We got home and decided we wanted at least one picture of her on this, the day she went to her first carnival.
Here she is in her stroller. This is the first time she has ridden in it sitting up. Up until now she has been in her car seat in the stroller! Boy is she getting so big. Also notice the arms and hands, they are holding on to the side of the stroller for dear life! I tell ya she is always doing this!


Krystal said...
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Ilez said...

Hey Marci,
Its Ilez from the cleaners. I'm Ashley & Amanda's cousin. I don't know if you remember me but we worked together for a little bit before you quit. I remember sitting in the back with you talking about boys lol. Its good to see you are doing well and have such a cute daughter!