Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I know, I know I am a little late with this post, but hey at least I am getting around to it this year rather than next year!
We spent Thanksgiving with a few people from my mom's side, it was an off year for most of the family. We went to my Aunt Bonnie's house this year and ate yummy food, and believe it or not I actually made something and took it! I made a pretzel jello salad and people actually said it was good! I love Thanksgiving and have so much to be thankful for this year. Most of all my wonderful family! My loving husband and beautiful daughter! I am also thankful for the Gospel in my life! There are many more things that I am thankful for, too many to name.
(Here is Makayla with her "First Thanksgiving shirt!")

After dinner you can guess what everyone did, watched football. At one point everyone "watching football" was asleep on the couches including my dad, Caleb, and Makayla. When I went to take a picture of them my dad woke up and he wouldn't pretend to be asleep for me. I thought I will wait a few minutes and he will be asleep again, most anyone who knows my dad knows that to be the truth, but he wouldn't go back to sleep so I had to just take one with him awake!
(My Dad, Caleb, and Makayla all tuckered out!)
The next morning we did go out and shop. We didn't do the 5 am thing, although Caleb wanted to. Instead my dad, Caleb, my cousin Missy, and I got up and went out around 8 am. We got all that we wanted to and didn't have to fight much of a crowed. My mom stayed home with Makayla and a few hours later we picked them both up and did some more shopping!

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