Friday, December 26, 2008


We have waited and watied for a good snow storm to hit so that we could dress Makayla up in her snow outfit, thanks to Caleb's Aunt Shauna, and take her out and let her have her first real taste of a Utah winter.

Yup you gussed right she really couldn't move in this outfit. We were reminded of the sceen from the movie "A Christmas Story".

Makayla had fun ridding the raindear that was outside!
Daddy even insisted that she make her first snow angle. She wasn't a big fan of the idea of laying down in the snow. Here she is making the snow angle and then there is a picture of the final product, sorry you can't see it real well, but it was so cute!
Then of course we had to let her try the snow. At first she wasn't sure of it, but by the end of the pictures she didn't want to stop eating it. Yes we did make sure we gave her clean snow, none of it was yellow, or so that was what Caleb told me!
All in all she had a pretty good time in the snow and she stayed pretty warm. All of her except for her little nose that as you can tell was a little cold.

1 comment:

The Barbers said...

My kids had their first snow experience too!! But we were not as prepared as you were! (O.k., they have all seen snow before.)