I just thought that some of you might like to see some more updated pictures of
Makayla since she is now 2-months old. So here are some pictures of her and how she has changed.
Here she is at one week old! People said she looked a lot older than one week when they saw these first pictures of her.
This was something that I would find Caleb doing a lot! He would come home, find Makayla, and put her next to him so that he could take a nap with her. Daddy loves his little girl!
This is our "dramatic" baby girl! We find that she likes to sleep with her hands up by her head.
This is perhaps my favorite picture of her and the story behind it is great too! It was one of the first days home from the hospital and I was getting ready to feed her after having changed two poopy diapers not a min. apart. Right before I started she froze with this face and her hand in that position and then it happened. She let it go again for the THIRD time! She pulled this same face whenever she needed to go for about the next month or so. Sad to say she has mostly stopped pulling it now.
Here she is just "Chillin" in her blanket
Look at that grin! She was smiling like crazy the day we took these, but every time we would snap the picture she would stop or we would miss it because of the delayed reaction.
This was at Grandma Hunter's house one Sunday afternoon. This is one of our favorite dresses that she has. Wow she is so cute!
This is her most recent picture. I took it the day she turned two months old. I love this little girl!
I can't believe how much she's grown. I seriously am going to visit sometime I just haven't wanted my kids to get her sick. Welcome to the blog world I'm way excited you joined :)
WE ARE SO HAPPY YOU HAVE A BLOG! She is so precious and we are so happy we can she photos more often!
Can't wait to see her in person!
She is so adorable! I bet your are just loving every minute with her.
Awww! I love it! She is so adorable! Thanks for starting this blog. Kids grow so fast and the distance doesn't allow us to see you often enough. Have fun blogging!
ummm.... that was Yvonne, not Brady... ;)
She is getting big!! We need to play soon...and Im not just saying that!!
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