Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Makayla's Big Day!

My little/big girl turned 4 on March 31st! I am a little late posting about her big day and how we celebrated it, but better late then never right? Her birthday fell on a Saturday which happened to be conference weekend. Also her daddy had a seminar all day long Saturday, so we decided to do most of the celebrating on Friday so that daddy could be a part of it all.
Here she is all dressed up for her big day. She wanted her hair curled and wanted to wear her cute Hello Kitty outfit. She is kind of obsessed with Hello Kitty right now. You will see this later!
Little sister wanted to get in on the picture taking!
Lucy 16 months old and Makayla 4 years old

Our first stop for her birthday was at the mall so that she could go to build-a-bear! She has been waiting to go and make a bear for months! Grandma kindly sent some money so that she could enjoy this special trip.
Stuffing what else, but a purple Hello Kitty! We found out about a month before her birthday that they were going to be having this special kitty there during her birthday and she was set on this one from then on. There was no changing her mind!
Getting the heart ready. She was so serious while doing all the crazy things the lady told her to do.
Giving purple hello kitty a bath. She did name her Annie, but to this day she prefers to call her purple hello kitty!

I wasn't sure if it was going to be worth the money to actually do this, but I have to say that it was and I am glad we let her do it. I think it was her favorite part of the day!
After build-a-bear we took her an early dinner at Olive Garden. We were joined by a couple of her favorite people! Thanks Natalie and Macy for coming!
After dinner we went to the YMCA for a swimming party. It is hard because Makayla's birthday is at the end of March and we never know if it will be warm or cold so we can't ever plan a big party because our house is so small it would have to be outside and well we just don't ever know. So this year she really wanted to swim so we told a bunch of people if they wanted to come and swim with us we would love to have them join us! Here is an attempt at a group shot. We are missing a few, but we did the best we could! Thanks all for making it a special night for her.
Makayla and one of her best buds, Cooper!
(She calls him her boyfriend from time to time)

Lucy had a blast too and I had a hard time getting a good picture of her because she didn't want to stop playing for anything!
Playing on the froggy slide.
One of Makayla's favorite things is to go down the big slide with daddy!

Lucy was even brave enough to do it!
Saturday, her real birthday, was low key and mostly spent watching conference and riding her bike. We did take her to dinner at her other favorite place Chick-Fil-A before daddy went to priesthood.
Sunday we celebrated a little bit more and had a couple of friends come over for dinner and cake and ice cream.
I felt kind of bad that I didn't make her a crazy cool cake this year! Instead she got to help make and decorate her own cake and honestly think she liked it better!
It was so windy that we had to hold the cake inside while she blew her candles out!
Opening a couple of presents. This one is from Paul, Natalie, and Zoey.

This was the best present ever! Ron and Macy gave her a dead rose since it was April Fool's Day. It was suppose to be a joke, but Makayla's loved it instead of thinking it was weird! They also gave her little banana's because I had told her they were "not practical" and I wouldn't buy them. She had asked Macy to buy her some for her birthday and she followed through!
Enjoying some cake with the neighbor girls who decided to invite themselves over! haha!

We are so happy to have this little girl as a part of our family! She is a joy and a terror sometimes, but we love her all the same!
Happy 4th Birthday Makayla!

1 comment:

The Barbers said...

She looks like my Shar, with lighter hair.